Getting started


IDFDataCanada is a registered package. It can be installed using Julia's builtin package manager:

Pkg> add IDFDataCanada

Extract data

The key feature of IDFDataCanada is the data_download function. It can be used directly by providing the province code (ex: "QC" for Quebec), the output directory (must be an existing folder) and the format (CSV or netCDF). By default, CSV format is selected and all provinces will be downloaded if no province code is provided. The two keyword arguments, split and rm_temp, can be set to extract data in a subfolder for each province or to keep the temporarily downloaded zip files. To download more than one province at the time, an array of province codes can by used (ex: ["QC", "ON"] for Quebec and Ontario).

data_download(output_dir::String, province::String="all", format::String="csv"; split::Bool=false, rm_temp::Bool=true)
data_download(output_dir::String, provinces::Array{String,N} where N, format::String="csv"; split::Bool=false, rm_temp::Bool=true)

data_download will create output files of the specified format in the output directory and a CSV a file containing station information named info_stations.csv.